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B.A.D.D. Magazine's Special Edition (Jhonni Blaze Cover) Find out more on MagCloud)
B.A.D.D. Magazine's Swimsuit Issue (Carmen Ortega Cover) Find out more on MagCloud)
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If you could give three things to the world to create peace and harmony for all, what would they be?
If I could give three things to the world to create peace And harmony it would be the ability to not judge others and for people to be brave enough to be the example that they want to see in the world, Also offering the world enough food and resources to be able to live like we do here I feel like we lose sight of how blessed we are in America when there are so many other places in the world that don't have access to all the things that we take for granted.

Most want to know are you any good in bedroom, we want to know are you good in the kitchen?
I think I'm pretty decent in the kitchen I know how to cook basics i'm also an advocate for meal prepping and I do my own meal prep at home every week which takes me about five hours from start to finish and I cook a
variety of things from eggs and oatmeal to chicken to steak, etc.
So, so that other question, are you any good in the bedroom or are you too pretty to get nasty???
Definitely not too pretty to get nasty lol. Let's just say I enjoy a fun time and being tossed around. I can promise I'm dominant in all areas of my life and submit in the bedroom.

How important is sex to you? Are you in need of it often or are you more of the "if it happens it happens?
I feel like sex is important it's a good way to relieve tension stress and frustration it's not something that I need every day but it is something that I would like to have regularly.
Do you think society is headed in the right direction when it comes to equality and peace or do you think there's a lot of work to do?
I think that in terms of peace and equality in our society we still have a lot of work to do. I feel like society presents as supporting equality but there is still a lot of inequality that takes place heavily throughout society.

Now most most men would like probably like to know, what's the best way to  approach you and keep your attention?
The best way to approach me is to just be yourself be polite cordial I'm a really big person on treat others how I want to be treated and just treat me like I'm a normal person.
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B.A.D.D. Magazine: Your Sinnful Valentine's (Sinnful Nude Edition)

Your Sinnful Valentine's editoin is the gift you need for yourself. Cover BADD Girl Sinnful is beyond BADD in this super seductive special edition. Not only are the images breathtaking, but she also let's you inside of her intelligent mind in our one-on-one sit-down. A great read to accompany her…

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