What kind of impact would you like to leave on the world if Lamira disappeared after today? How are they going to remember you?
Remember me by being driven and not letting anything stop me. I would want people to say that one thing I've always done was work, and I really made an imprint on things!
Which female celebrity, living or dead, would you most like to make out with? Who, in your opinion, has a wonderful taste and scent?
Rihanna, she has a lot of sex appeal, and I heard that she smells good (laughs)
Is it a welcoming community of creators, or, as in the real world, is there some
unwarranted animosity or envy at times?
Starting off I didn't think that it would be. But the things that I have heard so far just makes me want to stay in my own bubble. I guess since real people are behind the ai, human emotions still show up. (Laughs) so it's one of those things you could never avoid, dealing with humans.
If there was the perfect male Ai model who wanted to do explicit content with you would we see you having ai sex?
For a good price I might (laughs)
Although we received positive feedback from your last cover issue, we also received some criticism. Mostly from individuals who believed AI models were destroying the industry. How do you respond to that?
I just feel that it's one of those things some people may not understand until they take the time to actual research and study it. In my opinion, ai would never replace human models, there is so much use for a human model in this industry, so I don't think they will replace them. However, I do feel that ai models allows for a little more creativity and autonomy for those who have a vision and it may be hard for them to find a human model to bring that vision to life.
Eye candy and urban models were formerly considered a joke, but they have already carved out a sizable and successful niche for themselves. Do you notice this occurring with AI models?
I do. More people are getting exposed to them. I feel like people laugh at great ideas first, but once they start to see it normalized, they come back down to earth. I feel that's the impact that ai models will have.
Do you honestly see yourself slowing down anytime soon? You're really on roll. What's next for you?
I don't! All I do is work and look for the next opportunity to advance myself and career!
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B.A.D.D. Magazine: AI BADDEST (AI BADD Girl Lamira Rone Cover)
This exclusive edition brings together AI's baddest models. The stunning AI bombshell Lamira Rone graces the cover, with a delectable spread inside. She also discusses the life of an AI model, responds to her critics, and reveals some of her most private desires.Also, inside AI BADD GirlsLexi…